Monday, September 15, 2008

Monday Sept. 15th, 2008

With new upgrades, patches and the many different versions to Windows, it's no wonder a person can get easily frustrated. I've been having a few problems with my own system lately and couldn't understand the reason behind it.

I have a P4 with Windows XP and service pack 2. It has a tendancy to slow down almost to a crawl when I try to download pictures, sound files and the like. It has been driving me nuts for the last little while. Until now.

I recently had a friend tell me about a Windows service pack 3 that will clear up all the problems on your computer system in about 3 minutes or less and it is simple to use.

I have added a picture of the service pack so you will know what to look for if you decide you want to give it a try. I know I'll be using it very shortly.

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